Published 8 years ago
Last updated 8 years ago
Q: I want to ask about the conditions of making waleemah halaal in detail. Is it obligatory to have sexual intercourse or any kind of intimacy of like kissing, smooching, touching etc. to make waleemah halaal under normal conditions? What if the waleemah is planned after 2 days of wedding, and the bride and groom or only bride wants some time to make understanding between both of them prior to any kind of intimacy. Would the waleemah be not halaal in that case? Please explain it in detail as I am so worried.
A: The waleemah is halaal irrespective of the intimacy, but the best procedure of the waleemah is to host the waleemah after intimacy.
And Allah Ta'ala (الله تعالى) knows best.
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