
Q: I saw a dream today. In my dream I was going to marry my nephew (my cousin sisters son). I was taken to his house (actually my neighbours house) for preparation at night time and there I meet his father, brother and his aunty and my real sister. His father and brother and my sister handshake with me and his aunty hugged me and she was angry on me because I didn't hug her properly in Islamic way or in sunni way. After that I come to know that my mother bought me only 4 dress so I got angry on her and he was watching me. Next I saw myself in a mirror I was meaning cap and hairs open on my both shoulders.

A: Observe strict purda with all non-mahrams, even your non-mahram cousins.

And Allah Ta'ala (الله تعالى) knows best.


Answered by:

Mufti Zakaria Makada
