Witnessing a dream after Istikhara

Q: I made istikhara namaaz on the decision of a man I should marry when I had the following dreams on two seperate nights (of which both evenings I read istikhara namaaz with the dua at the end). The first dream was very vague and I don't really remember it to which I read the istikhara namaaz again. The second dream was also very vague but I dreamed that I had to look after someones baby and placed it in a white box. I dreamed of white curtains and milk. I'm not certain what this means. Please advise me on this.


A: We suggest that you make istikaarah one more time. Before entering into nikaah one should ensure that the person one wishes to marry is such that his beliefs conform to the beliefs of the Ahlus Sunnah wal Jama'ah and he is committed to Deen (i.e. he is pious and emulates the Sunnah). One should make the necessary investigation and enquiries regarding the persons conduct, character, temperament and company. One should not base one's decision merely upon what appears in a dream.

And Allah Ta'ala knows best.


Answered by:

Mufti Zakaria Makada
