Published 12 years ago
Last updated 5 years ago
Q: I have read about how Hazrat Bilal (Radiyallahu Anhu) was tortured. I have read that he was tortured by:
- Made to lie on hot desert sand.
- Thrown into boiling water.
- Dragged through the streets with ropes.
Are these three types of torture proven from authentic ahadith? What other ways do the Ahadith mention about how Hazrat Bilal (Radiyallhu Anhu) was tortured?
A: Refer to Fazaail-e-A'maal page 21 and 22 under the chapter of steadfastness in the face of hardships for the details of the sufferings of Hazrat Bilaal (Radiyallahu Anhu).
And Allah Ta'ala knows best.
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