
Q: My question today is about 2 very unusual dreams that I had one after another, I prayed my fajr salah this morning and went back to sleep and saw that I was at my parents house and my sister saw that a mirror was broken (just from the edge) so she tried hanging it on the wall against the wall where there was another broken mirror just in the same way and as she was trying to hang the second one the first fell and broke completely so she got angry and dropped the second one intentionaly and then with anger started braking everything in the room that was made out of glass and the room was full peices of glass, when I saw her do this I got angry and said to her "Saima have you gone mad? We got a baby in the in the house aren't you even bothered about her that you've created such dangerous atmosphere in the house?" And I can't exactly remember but I think I hurt myself too as the small peices were everywhere, and suddenly I woke up and realised it was a dream so I spat three times on my left read Awoozu billahi minashaitaanirajeem thrice and turned right side and fell back to sleep. Then I dreamt again what I saw this time was my sister in laws uncle was going pakistan so we went to see him the night before and as we were about to leave I helped my sister in laws auntie take the dishes to the kitchen and when I entered the kitchen it was in a very great mess so i thought i'll
quickly give her a hand before leaving so I started washing the dishes and as I was about to finish I just had a metal bowl left which was at the bottom of the sink and the water that was running created a hole in the metal bowl I got a bit shocked to see that and before I said anything I realised that my hands were also melting and as soon as I noticed this I ran outside the house towards our car where my mum, sister and my 2 kids were, when I saw them them they were facing the same situation (that their bodies were slowly melting) and I looked outside and people were dying, I realised that it was time for all of us to go so I read Laa ilaha ilallahu Muhammadurra soolullah very loudly so everyone would remember to read before death and as I was reading I woke up.... These two very wierd dreams I had just now. Could you please explain what they could mean?


A: The first dream indicates that your sister needs to be more gentle when dealing with people and situations.

The second dream refers to the perishable nature of this dunya and that an intelligent person should prepare for the life of the hereafter before he meets it.

And Allah Ta'ala (الله تعالى) knows best.


Answered by:

Mufti Zakaria Makada
