Published 7 years ago
Last updated 4 years ago
Q: My mother said to me to take a bath and she said that Muslims keep themselves clean, but as I didn't want to take bath and I, in anger said that I am a kafir (God forbid). So by saying in anger that I am a kafir, did I disbelieve?
A: This is an extremely severe statement to make. You should renew your Imaan and sincerely make tawbah for this major sin. You should make tawbah in front of your mother and let her know that you have made tawbah from this grave sin. Make a firm resolve that you will never repeat this sin in the future. If you are married, then you should renew your nikaah and if you had performed your fardh hajj, then you should repeat your fardh hajj.
And Allah Ta'ala (الله تعالى) knows best.
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