Q: I am a teenager and have an online account where I try helping others who suffer from depression, suicidal behavior, etc. It is an anonymous account so others do not know that I am Muslim. I always get asked for advice, but this time I need it myself for someone who suffers from intense depression. A girl asked me, how does she come out as bisexual to her homophobic parents? I haven't really answered her question, seeing as it's completely against Islam, but I don't want to mention my religion so quick because it'd put Islam and Muslims in a bad light. However, I can't go against Islam either. Please help. Maybe it's a chance for da'wah?
A: I suggest that when you are not well equipped you should make it known to people who respond to you that you are not well equipped and that they need to refer to someone who is knowledgeable in these issues and matters.
And Allah Ta'ala (الله تعالى) knows best.
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