Becoming despondent due to not finding a halaal job

Q: An elderly Hafez offered me a job over the phone. However, his first task for me was to work on a website with haraam pictures, which he emailed to me. I replied with a very polite and respectful email asking him to please excuse me from this website owing to the animate images. It is now a month later and he has not even responded. I am feeling sad as I felt that at least I will have a halaal job working for a Muslim with a kurtah and beard.

In fact, I have contacted numerous Muslims in my industry seeking work. I even offered working for free so that I can gain experience. Only one Muslim even responded. Then too, every Muslim business employs female staff. Nothing halaal is forthcoming. Please advise me.

A: Don't become despondent. Whatever work you can do, start off. May Allah Ta`ala grant you barkat and prosperity.

And Allah Ta'ala (الله تعالى) knows best.


Answered by:

Mufti Ebrahim Salejee (Isipingo Beach)
