Participating in the Hindu Holi festival


1. I read online that if one plays holi (hindu festival) then they are out of the fold of Islam. Is this true?

2. What if one is walking, not intending to play holi, just going out for work or leisure and colour is thrown on them. Are they out of the fold of Islam?

3. I also read that if one prefers holi or thinks it's fun, etc., then it takes one out of the fold of Islam and their nikah will be nullified, is this true?

4. Does just merely thinking this take the person out of Islam and is their nikah nullified?

5. Does just thinking holi is fun or wanting to play it but actually don't play it as they know it is a kuffar thing, are they out of the fold of Islam and is their nikah nullified?

The person would never actually play holi as they know it is against Islam. They just want to know if they just think it's fun, etc. what affect would it have.


1. If he regards it to be something significant and holy then he is out of the fold of Islam

2. No. If he knows that the colour is going to be thrown he should avoid it as far as possible.

3 - 5. As above.

And Allah Ta'ala (الله تعالى) knows best.


Answered by:

Mufti Ebrahim Salejee (Isipingo Beach)
