Performing salaah at home due to fear of contracting the virus

Q: As we are in Covid 19 period and now that most of the masijds are reopening for Jummah and all other salats but due to fear of contracting Covid 19, is it ok to preform salaat at the house including Jummah (as per condition for at least 4 matured males)?

A: Not at all. There is a lot of contradictory behaviour in this. It is visible in taxis, planes, malls, the government home affairs, etc. It would seem that those who are talking in favour of it, they themselves are confused. Don't at all forsake the house of Allah Ta`ala. If you wish to be blessed and graced by Allah then frequent His house. May Allah Ta`ala allay all your fears.

And Allah Ta'ala (الله تعالى) knows best.


Answered by:

Mufti Ebrahim Salejee (Isipingo Beach)