Published 12 years ago
Last updated 5 years ago
Q: What is the Shar'iee ruling regarding chipped or broken utensils and glasses? Are we permitted to eat and drink from them? Does barakah not enter the homes in which such utensils are kept?
A: Eating and drinking from chipped utensils or glasses is permissible. However, one should refrain from drinking from the place where it is chipped as it is possible that one could get cut. The belief that barakah does not enter the home wherein such utensils are found is baseless.
عن أبي سعيد الخدري نهى رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم عن الشرب من ثلمة القدح وأن ينفخ في الشراب. (سنن أبي داود رقم 3722)
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