Q: Please can you tell me how do I make sincere repentance for the sins major/minor that I have committed in my life.
A: When you have realised your mistake and feel remorseful about it then all you now need to do is beg Allah Ta`ala's forgiveness. When taubah is made in this manner with the firm resolve never to return to the sin again, then Allah Ta`ala will most definitely accept your repentance.
Further, if the sin is related to the trampling or usurping of someone's rights then it will be necessary to either repay the individual or gain his pardon and forgiveness.
However, in order to remain committed to your repentance and taubah, it is important that you keep the company of good and deeni committed individuals and stay far away from any person who has the slightest chance of influencing you and tempting you to evil and vice. Likewise, stay away from all such places and gadgets that will cause you to drift away.
At the same time, commence with the following daily program at home:
(1) Ta`leem of Fazaa'il-e-A`maal, Fazaa'il-e-Sadaqaat and Bahishti Zewar.
(2) Recitation of a portion of the Qur'aan Shareef and some zikr.
(3) Du`aa at the end of each session.
Further, it will be advisable to keep in contact with a pious sunnat adhering aalim or shaikh living near you so that he may guide you in all matters of life. May Allah Ta`ala grant you the grace to be from His close friends.
And Allah Ta'ala (الله تعالى) knows best.
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