Q: My face is oily. When I am performing wudhu, some of the oil of my face gets onto my hands. Do I have to rub my hands with water to ensure that water gets underneath the oil and reach my skin?
Do I have to rub any part of my body if the oil of my face gets onto them (for example my forearms, my feet)?
In that same logic, if oil from a part of my face (the left part for example) get onto or mixes with the oil of another part of my face (the right part for example) do I have to rub that area with water (the right part of my face)?
A: For the wudhu to be valid, merely washing the area that has to be washed in wudhu is sufficient. However, it is sunnah to also rub the area. Therefore, since you had passed water over the limb and rubbed it, your wudhu is valid.
And Allah Ta'ala (الله تعالى) knows best.
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