Validity of wudhu if one wrote on his hand
Q: Is wudhu valid if someone wrote on their hands with pen and didn't scrub it off?
Q: Is wudhu valid if someone wrote on their hands with pen and didn't scrub it off?
Q: Do you need to remove earrings when making wudhu?
Q: I am in a state of ritual impurity and water is available, but I am unable to perform ablution due to shyness and lack of time.
Q: I have a lot of whiteheads on my nose. From what I know these are clogged pores. After ghusl, because of the heat of the shower, the white heads and clogged pores comes closer to the surface of my nose and I can brush some off with my hand. It's not watery. Does this break wudu like pus would? Or does it just count as dirt of the body.
Q: Does cleaning the ears invalidate wudhu?
Q: I live on the masjid property.
Am I allowed to make miswaak before leaving my house and make whudu in the masjid whudu Khana?
Can I make miswaak before commencing whudu? Will the reward be more if made after washing the hands?
Q: Does ink stop water from reaching the skin?
Q: I have a pain in my hand and was advised by a physiotherapist to tape it using kinesiology/sports tape. The tape is difficult to remove once its stuck and it falls off on its own after a few days. Will wudhu be valid if I make masah over the tape?
Q: If either the husband or wife has ablution (wudu) and they see their partner without covering or unclothed, will their ablution break or not?
Q: Is wudhu complete without washing feet?