Female doctor

Q: I’m a female doctor and I wanted to ask a couple questions.

I’ve finished my bachelors and completed my degree. I studied in a coed college where girls and boys were together and I didn’t wear a hijab in college. I wanted to know whether or not my degree is valid or not? Can I practice as a doctor or no? Are my earnings that I earn using the knowledge I received and my degree halal or no? Also, what about the money I earned from my practice as a doctor without wearing hijab? Is that money halal or no?

A: Make sincere taubah for all the past and promise Allah Ta`ala that you will observe purdah and you will encourage others to do the same. May Allah Ta`ala forgive you. Your earnings will be halaal. Try your best only to see infant children and female patients.

And Allah Ta'ala (الله تعالى) knows best.


Answered by:

Mufti Ebrahim Salejee (Isipingo Beach)