Published 3 years ago
Last updated 2 years ago
Q: I was touched inappropriately by a bike rider while I was on a street. I was wearing an abaya and hijab. Is it due to some of my misconduct that Allah punished me or show me that I should seek forgiveness. I'm trying my best to avoid Haram things and doings. Then why all this happened??
I complained to the police just to report the incident, but can't proceed because I know the police here isn't that much effective. Kindly assist.
A: In this day and time it is best to observe the maximum precaution. Just as you see people are very much unscrupulous in their driving then they are very much unscrupulous in their behaviour. Hence, don't go alone to places where you feel unsafe.
And Allah Ta'ala (الله تعالى) knows best.
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