Published 2 years ago
Last updated 2 years ago
Q: I have missed so many salaah during the last 10 years since becoming baaligh. I have no idea how many and cannot estimate. It is a major sin but I don't know how to go about rectifying it. Should I just make qadha for 10 years because it's impossible to calculate?
Also, do I include Witr in my qadha.
A: Apply your mind to the best of your ability in trying to ascertain how many salaah you had missed during the ten years and thereafter follow the dominant portion of your mind. If you cannot reach any conclusion and you wish to perform the qadha of ten years, then this is also permissible.
Yes, the qadha of the witr will also have to be made.
And Allah Ta'ala (الله تعالى) knows best.
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