Writing fantasy books

Q: For over five years, I have been struggling with a strong desire to write books. However, these books revolve around fantasies and stories that may be morally objectionable, yet entertaining for others. It is also possible to earn money from such books. On the other hand, whenever I attempt to write books about Islam and promoting good behavior, I find myself getting bored and unable to proceed.

I am seeking reassurance that writing fantasy books of this nature is forbidden, as it would help me find peace. Additionally, I hope you can provide me with relevant Quranic verses that describe my predicament.

A: We advise you to refrain from writing novels or fictional stories as most of these books are devoid of Islamic flavour and values, and it is only a waste of time. A believer has been created for greater objectives. He should endeavour at all times to learn deen correctly and practice deen correctly, thereby seeking the pleasure of Allah Ta'ala and preparing for the life of the Hereafter.

If you have the ability and desire to write, then we advise you to write deeni articles and show them to some experienced, elderly, muttaqi Aalim for his correction and approval. Similarly, if you wish to write on something worldly related, then it is permissible if it has some benefit and the content is also permissible. However, you should also show it to some experienced, elderly, muttaqi Aalim for his correction and approval.

And Allah Ta'ala (الله تعالى) knows best.


Answered by:

Mufti Zakaria Makada

Checked & Approved:

Mufti Ebrahim Salejee (Isipingo Beach)