Purpose of Tabligh Jamaat going out for 4 month in the path of Allah

Q: I just want to ask for an explanation about Tabligh Jamaat and to go for 4 month in the path of Allah.

A: It is compulsory for every Muslim to learn the right aqaaid, adopt the right works and deeds, correct his character and behaviour, learn right values, and learn and understand honesty, right dealings and social etiquettes. Sometimes this is acquired through a madrasah or the company of saintly persons or an adult gets an idea of all these matters through the tableegh jamaat provided he has committed himself and he is concerned. Then just as in a madrasah or in the company of a saintly person you require time to get these things right, then the same applies to the tableegh jamaat. Experience shows that you need at least 4 months to learn and apply these aspects correctly.

And Allah Ta'ala (الله تعالى) knows best.


Answered by:

Mufti Ebrahim Salejee (Isipingo Beach)