How should a woman structure her daily life?

Q: How should a woman structure her daily life?

A: If she is not married then she should make the service and khidmat of her parents her priority. And if she is married then she should make the service of her husband her priority.

She should ensure that she prepares for each salaah well in advance. If possible, she should wake up for Tahajjud Salaah and engage in salaah, dua and zikr. Thereafter, she may do the following:

After Fajr - recite Surah Yaseen, tilaawat of the Quraan Shareef and morning azkaar until Ishraaq.

After Ishraaq - If there is no need to rest, she should commence with the house chores.

After Zuhr - partake of meals and keep herself occupied with some sewing or reading a recommended kitaab etc.

After Asr - Make some zikr and recite the Quraan Shareef.

After Maghrib - recite the masnoon duas and surahs for the evening. Partake of meals. If it is a suitable time, she should conduct the daily taleem of Fazaa'il-e-A`maal, Fazaa'il-e-Sadaqaat, Bahishti Zewar and Seeratul Mustafa with dua at the end.

After Esha - If there is any important chore or work to complete then should complete it. And if her parents or husband require any attention then she should attend to them. Otherwise, without wasting any time she should go to bed.

And Allah Ta'ala (الله تعالى) knows best.


Answered by:

Mufti Ebrahim Salejee (Isipingo Beach)
