

I've been diagnosed with ovarian failure and it's been difficult for me to get periods. I was prescribed to do yoga, and have got periods by doing them before too. But there's been many contradictions regarding yoga. I've tried normal exercises instead of yoga but didn't get any results, except for weight loss.

Would it be permissible for me to practise yoga poses without doing anything against the Islamic aqeedah? I take special care to ensure I don't do any doubtful poses like sun salutation (I just ended up doing it onetime without knowledge, that too I didn't complete it properly because it looked doubtful) and all. I also avoid taking it as anything except for prolonged physical movement.

A: These exercises normally have connotations of hinduism and buddhism. Hence, refrain from doing such exercises.

And Allah Ta'ala (الله تعالى) knows best.


Answered by:

Mufti Ebrahim Salejee (Isipingo Beach)