Saying words to overcome sadness and learning positive things from a person who practices shirk


1. I learnt a technique to help with sadness, this is how the technique works, you say a positive word very slowly, with intention this word will have a positive effect, is this permissible or its kufr?

2. Someone who practices shirk and kufr philosophy, would it be permissible to learn from him positive things that doesn’t have shirk and kufr? 


1. Instead of using words of your own, use the words of the Quraan and hadeeth. Use the attributes of Allah Ta`ala which will touch your heart more.

2. When he studied kufr, how secure can you feel of him? And when it is to do with thinking and your mental state, can you trust a kaafir with him changing your mental state and injecting thoughts of disbelief very discreetly in a glossy manner.

And Allah Ta'ala (الله تعالى) knows best.


Answered by:

Mufti Ebrahim Salejee (Isipingo Beach)
