Understanding the meaning of "Allah Ta'ala has full control over everything"

Q: I'm feeling very confused because of not asking questions. The main question is about the fact that Allah (SubhaanaHu Wa Ta'alaa) has full control over everything, even good deeds and bad deeds, so how do we enter Jannah and Jahannam since He has control already and decides who is guided and who isn't and we make duaa to Him not to misguide us.

We thank Him for guiding us and protecting us from sins so it means that He has full control. When Abu Talib was about to pass away, Allah (SubhaanaHu Wa Ta'alaa) said that He guides whom He wills.

I have seen how He changes hearts. If I commit a sin, my parents and other family members become harsh or emotionally hurt me and if I say Tawbah, they become changed. In a Hadith, we are told that our Lord's anger and pleasure are shown in parents. Is this possible that He is punishing me through my parents or rewarding me for reaching a higher part of Jannah? What opinion should I have of Him?

Please answer both of these doubts. 

A: Just as you work towards the things that are beneficial to you, where you work towards a good life, eating the right food, keeping yourself warm, whereas all this was also in the knowledge of Allah Ta`ala but in spite of it being in His knowledge and control, you took the initiative to make the right choices because you could see that if you did not eat right or clothe yourself correctly then it would have brought disaster to you. You did not give up all of this thinking that it is in the control of Allah Ta`ala, hence what is the use in sleeping, eating and keeping yourself healthy and strong. Rather, you endeavoured to adopt the right causes. The same law will apply to the matters of the hereafter.

And Allah Ta'ala (الله تعالى) knows best.


Answered by:

Mufti Ebrahim Salejee (Isipingo Beach)
