Girls Madrasah Reunions

Q: I wanted to ask Mufti Sahib regarding Girls Madrasah Reunions.

It doesn't happen very often but when it does women who are old students of the Madrasahs are invited. Some have to come from far and wide.

I wanted to ask ruling regarding these reunions and what will be the correct way to view such gatherings in the light of Shariah?

A: From the reports we received, we understand that many laws of the shariah are violated. For example, at times, some are travelling without mahram. Many times, there is gross abuse of social media.

Those girls who wish to adopt a life of taqwa, when they meet up with their colleagues then their level of taqwa is compromised and they begin to feel that we do not have to observe the standards of righteousness and taqwa.

At times, their husbands are not in agreement with what is going on and with the attendance of these types of programs the husband's authority is totally ignored.

Overall, when we are told that women should live in their homes and not exit their homes then coming out for these reasons for an entire day's program which is not entirely governed with the spirit of taqwa will not do any real good for these girls' deen and aakhirat.

There are reported cases that the girls come back and they do not show the same level of love and cooperation as they used to show. What is the good of these types of gatherings?

My humble request is that all those who have participated make taubah sincerely to Allah Ta`ala, understand their position as a wife or mother, the responsibilities attached to it in this life and the answerability before Allah Ta`ala as the hadeeth says: "Kullukum mas'oolun" - each one of you will be questioned. May Allah Ta`ala grant us all the right understanding.

And Allah Ta'ala (الله تعالى) knows best.


Answered by:

Mufti Ebrahim Salejee (Isipingo Beach)