Q: Will Allah forgive a murderer or rapist if he repented and the victim also forgave him? Will Shariah still punish him if no one knows about it? Will Allah punish him in the hereafter on the day of Qiyamat because he did not get punishment in this duniya and just repented to Allah, and the victim also forgave him?
A: If you are sincere in your taubah and you reform your life, Allah Ta'ala will definitely accept your taubah. The sign of a person being true in his taubah is that he exercises caution in regard to the places, people and devices that caused him to fall into the sin. Similarly, he ensures that he keeps away from all areas and avenues that can entice him and tempt him towards falling into the sin.
And Allah Ta'ala (الله تعالى) knows best.
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