Doing an assignment regarding LBQTI+

Q: The following is from an assignment of someone doing B.Ed Honours:

"You want to investigate how LBQTI+ learners find safe spaces in the school and plan to interview them using a snowball sampling technique. Discuss the ethical considerations that will inform your research project. Attend to the following in your response:

• An overview of the issues of LBQTI+ in education (100 words)
• Ethics in research (300 words)
• Doing research with vulnerable groups (500 words)
• Issues of confidentiality, anonymity and privacy (500 words)"

What are the effects that these types of assignments/exams will have on the state of a Muslim's imaan?

A: To have this as a subject is really deplorable. Imagine if there was a subject in school like incest with one's daughter or mother and what etiquettes are to be followed in committing incest, will you call this progress or retrogress. Will you call this good behaviour or beastly behaviour. Even worse is if the person doing this assignment, falls victim to this filthy haraam, who will be responsible for this person falling prey to this filth.

And Allah Ta'ala (الله تعالى) knows best.


Answered by:

Mufti Ebrahim Salejee (Isipingo Beach)