Making Allah Ta'ala a witness in a nikaah

Q: While getting married to someone you need at least two witnesses one male and two females or two males and one female. What if someone gets married in secret without telling anyone and they make Allah their witness and say qabul?

I read somewhere that if a mature girl and boy says qabul with the intention of making her/him their spouses, they'll eventually become husband and wife in the eyes of Allah. Is it true?

One of my cousins secretly went into a relationship and she considers that guy as her husband. He also considers her as his wife. So with a pure heart are they married in the eyes of Allah?

A: You do not have to make Allah Ta`ala the witness. He is already a witness. But it is because of Allah's command that we have to appoint two witnesses. This kind of understanding is due to the failure of understanding things correctly.

And Allah Ta'ala (الله تعالى) knows best.


Answered by:

Mufti Ebrahim Salejee (Isipingo Beach)