Published 8 months ago
Last updated 8 months ago
Q: I did not know that after giving one talaq the marriage is still intact.
So after divorce I said to myself that my nikah is not anymore and once said to my wife that I can't talk to you now... Is this one talaq ?
A: Only one talaaq has taken place.
If this was the first talaaq that you issued, then it is permissible for you to revoke the talaaq and take her back in your nikaah as long as she is still in her iddat. The way to revoke the talaaq is that you should tell her that you are taking her back in your nikaah, or you may kiss her, touch her with lust or be intimate with her, this will also be treated as revoking the talaaq.
And Allah Ta'ala (الله تعالى) knows best.
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