Taking some items home after attending a function

Q: I recently attended a function with my family. After returning home we discovered that one of the children pocketed some of the tea-bags from the tea table and brought them home. 

What is the ruling regarding these tea-bags?

A: Generally, at a function, the food that is served is meant to be eaten there and is not to be taken away. However, there are certain items that are placed on the tables for the guest to eat there and they are also allowed to take them away (e.g. the chocolates that are placed for each guest). 

In regard to these items, the host generally does not mind that people take them away. However, the urf (general practice) is that one may take only that which is placed for him or one or two more. If a person wishes to take twenty or thirty chocolates from different tables, then this will not be acceptable. 

In regard to tea bags, they are among the food items that are supposed to be used at the function and not supposed to be taken away. Therefore, if the children had taken these things away, then it was not right for them to do so. You should contact the host and inform him. If he gives permission, then it will be permissible for them to use the tea bags at home. If they do not give permission, then it should be returned to the host. 

And Allah Ta'ala (الله تعالى) knows best.


Answered by:

Mufti Zakaria Makada

Checked & Approved:

Mufti Ebrahim Salejee (Isipingo Beach)