Woman living alone after iddat

Q: Is it permissible for a female after her iddah to remain in the town she was married in? 

She has a teaching post as well as housing. Housing will be in a shared property with a Muslim family if safety is of concern. 

She does have parents but due to the abusive environment she would feel more safe remaining where she is currently sitting in her iddah. Her father is encouraging her to return to live with her parents. 

To my knowledge, a female is allowed to marry/re marry without the consent of her wakeel. Does this enable her to make all other decisions within the boundaries of Shariah by herself or does she now, after iddah, require the permission of her father? 

A: The law of shariah is that if a woman is not married, then she should consult her parents in regard to the matter of nikaah. She should not take an independent decision in the matter of nikaah or in any other important matter in her life as she may put herself through difficulty and problems in regard to her deen or dunya. 

Since her iddat period has ended, we advise that she returns to her parents home. She should not live alone. Living alone is not encouraged and is against the Islamic culture. Apart from this, in this time of fitnah and fasad, there are many cases reported where women living alone were tempted towards sin or people tried to interfere with them knowing that they are living all alone.

And Allah Ta'ala (الله تعالى) knows best.


Answered by:

Mufti Zakaria Makada

Checked & Approved:

Mufti Ebrahim Salejee (Isipingo Beach)