Listening to positive affirmations

Q: I have a question about something called positive affirmations. 

I pray the five daily prayers and the Sunnah, read the Qur’an, fast, and do a lot of supplication to Allah Ta'ala. But I like to listen to positive affirmations to improve my mood, for example to achieve a certain thing that definitely comes from Allah Ta'ala, so my intention is not shirk. The affirmations do not contain any negatives or against Islam. 

Is this considered polytheism if I still have complete trust in Allah Ta'ala? Is the law of attraction permissible? What is forbidden in subliminal messages? Or in subliminals in general?

A: Generally these positive affirmations are prepared by non-Muslims who do not have imaan and deen. When they do not possess imaan and deen, then it is highly possible that the affirmations they prepare will contain something that is against imaan or the values of Islam. 

Similarly, it is possible that the wordings in it may create confusion in one's beliefs or have a negative impact on one's deen. Therefore, it is best for one to refrain from listening to these things. 

In order to create noor and blessings in your life, you should recite the Quraan Shareef in abundance and engage in zikr (the remembrance of Allah Ta'ala).

And Allah Ta'ala (الله تعالى) knows best.


Answered by:

Mufti Zakaria Makada

Checked & Approved:

Mufti Ebrahim Salejee (Isipingo Beach)
