Returning money one had stolen and items one forgot to return


1. How do I return money to someone I stole from. I've made taubah over many years and it's not a big amount (under R600) but I'm embarrassed to tell this person as it's a scholar and it may cause this person to distrust me (and I'm not untrustworthy as it was a genuine mistake that I've truly atoned for) and cause disgrace on my family (who are scholars). How can I return it without him knowing I stole it because I don't even live in the same city anymore and I'd have to give the money to a family member who still resides in his city? Is it possible for me to give out the money in charity on his behalf with no expectation of reward and solely give it in his name? 

2. Also with regards to having old textbooks from over 20 years ago from primary school, I forgot to return and a T-square from high school my principal borrowed me which I forgot to return all those years. How can I make up for that amaanah?


1. Return the money to him under some pretext e.g. sending the money to him as a gift. 

2. Return the textbooks and t-square to the school.

And Allah Ta'ala (الله تعالى) knows best.


Answered by:

Mufti Zakaria Makada

Checked & Approved:

Mufti Ebrahim Salejee (Isipingo Beach)