Doubts regarding ghusl

Q: I have issues with my ghusl concerning the validity of it due to specific barriers. 

I scrub my ears yet there is still some sort of wax at the part that curves. I sometimes scrub so hard it scabs. 

I also have some white patches in the middle of my chest. I’m not sure what it is but I also need to scrub hard for it to be removed. 

I have an ear piercing hole, how do I clean inside of it, if it’s closed but sometimes some sort of sebum comes out when I rub my piercing hole which is pretty much shut. I have some hard dirt on/in my bellybutton. It is extremely hard to remove as it’s engraved in the grooves of my skin.

Lastly I have an eye issue called blepharitis where dandruff like flakes are on my eyelash and eyelid. Sometimes I finish my ghusl and see these flakes/crust on my eyelid and lash. Are the things mentioned barriers for my ghusl?


You do not have to remove all the wax. 

If it is part of the skin, you do not have to remove it. 

If it is part of the skin then don't pay attention to it. 

Washing the eye is enough.

And Allah Ta'ala (الله تعالى) knows best.


Answered by:

Mufti Ebrahim Salejee (Isipingo Beach)