Making dua for one's non Muslim parents who passed away on kufr

Q: A revert lady asks... If there's no forgiveness for a non Muslim who has passed away, what duaa can she make for her non Muslim parents who passed on. It causes much grief not to make duaa for them. 

Another revert student asks... How will we enjoy the beautiful bounties of jannah if our parents are not there to enjoy it with us and at the same time we know that they are in jahannam?

A: She should not pay attention to these thoughts. It does not mean that since you cannot make dua for them then you are unfortunate. May Allah Ta`ala bless all. 

You will be able to enjoy the bounties of Jannah. Jannah is a different plain altogether. It is different to this universe and the controller of enjoyment and happiness is Allah Ta`ala.

And Allah Ta'ala (الله تعالى) knows best.


Answered by:

Mufti Ebrahim Salejee (Isipingo Beach)