Keeping in contact with a girl one intends to marry

Q: I love a girl and I want to marry her... She also loves me and agrees to marry me but I need some time to settle and marry her. We both are not like boyfriend and girlfriend. We don't say to each other I love you and all but we talk to each other. Is this a haraam relationship? We both are not in a relationship but is that consider as a haraam relationship?

A: This relationship is a haraam relationship. The command of Shariah is that as long as nikaah does not take place, it is not permissible for a boy to speak to a non mahram girl or have any contact with her. Rather both should observe strict purdah between themselves. You should immediately cut off all ties with this girl and you both should make taubah for the haraam contact and relationship you had among yourselves. 

If you wish to marry her then you should discuss the matter with your parents and send a proposal for her. Similarly, she should discuss the matter with her parents. If both parties are happy then the nikaah should be performed without any delay.

And Allah Ta'ala (الله تعالى) knows best.


Answered by:

Mufti Zakaria Makada

Checked & Approved:

Mufti Ebrahim Salejee (Isipingo Beach)