Questions related to a masbooq

Q: Kindly answer below questions related to salaah: 

1. If a muqtadi misses some rakaat, at what point should he/she leave the jamaat and stand to continue the missed rakaat? Should he/she do it after the imam completes the 1st salaam or after the second salaam? 

2. For a muqtadi who has to missed a rakaat in jamaat salaah, should he remain quiet after the last tashahud behind the imaam and wait silently for the imaam's salaam to continue the missed rakaat, or can he/she recite durood and prayers after the last tashahud? 

3. If a person misses the 4 sunnah prayer prior to Zuhr or Jumah Salaah and joins the farz prayer in jamaat, does he/she needs to offer the missed sunnah prayer afterwards or not? If yes, then what's the correct sequence of offering the missed sunnahs? Should those be offered immediately after the farz jamaat salaah or after the 2 or 4 sunnah prayers that we usually pray after Jumah or Zuhr farz salaah? 

4. If a person makes sajdah while a couple of hair strands cover half the width of his forehead, would the sajdah be valid?


1. He should stand up after the imaam completes the second salaam. 

2. It is permissible for him to recite the durood-ebrahim and dua after reciting the tashahhud. 

3. If one had missed the four sunnat muakkadah before zuhr, then he should perform them after performing the fardh salaah and the two sunnat e muakkadah. 

The sequence is that he will first perform the two sunnat muakkadah of zuhr, and thereafter perform the four missed sunnat muakkadah. Lastly, he will perform the two nafl of zuhr. 

As far as the four sunnat muakkadah before jumuah is concerned, then if one had missed performing them before performing the jumuah salaah, then one will perform them after performing the sunnah muakkadah salaah after jumuah. 

The sequence is that one will first perform the four sunnat muakkadah after jumuah, thereafter the two sunnah muakkadah after jumuah and lastly one will perform the four sunnat muakkadah which one had missed before the jumuah. 

4. Yes, as long as the head is firm on the ground, the sajdah will be valid.

And Allah Ta'ala (الله تعالى) knows best.


Answered by:

Mufti Zakaria Makada

Checked & Approved:

Mufti Ebrahim Salejee (Isipingo Beach)