How to be grateful and content with life

Q: Please give advise on how to be grateful and content with life. I sometimes get unhappy with God because God hasn't given me good life. I have too many problems. When I get unhappy I stop worshipping.

A: There isn't a second in which people don't enjoy the favours of Allah Ta`ala. You breathe well, sleep well, our digestion is going well, we are protected from many illnesses, feel secure against criminals, have our families who cooperate, and the crown over all is that we are blessed with Islam. This is such a blessing that we cannot attach a price to. The more you think about Allah Ta`ala's favours the more you will feel ashamed of yourself, that you are enjoying so much, yet what is the level of appreciation you are showing.

And Allah Ta'ala (الله تعالى) knows best.


Answered by:

Mufti Ebrahim Salejee (Isipingo Beach)