Published 3 months ago
Last updated 3 months ago
Q: With regard to listening to a musjid program over livemasjid, there is a delay in the transmission of approximately thirty seconds compared to listening to it live in the musjid. Based on this, will we be required to make sajdah tilaawat when the imaam recites a sajdah aayat and we hear it on livemasjid?
A: Yes, it is compulsory upon you to make sajdah tilaawat when listening to an aayat of sajdah over the livemasjid which is being recited live. However, if it is not live, but they are replaying the recording later on and one hears it, then sajdah tilaawat is not compulsory in this case.
And Allah Ta'ala (الله تعالى) knows best.
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