Differences of opinion in Deen

Q: My understanding as far as difference of opinion is concerned, that means now the ummah can do as they please? Some will say gay relationships are fine and it's a difference of opinion, or drinking alcohol is fine and there is a difference of opinion, do you see where this is leading to? 

A whole new generation of young and upcoming ulama who are deviated and this group will now lead the ummah astray. What is left of our true Deen taught to us by our elders of the past? 

Nabi (sallallahu alayhi wasallam) did say that he fears the ulama even more than Dajjal. This is exactly what Nabi (sallallahu alayhi wasallam) was speaking of, am I correct in my understanding? Please correct me if I am thinking incorrectly.

A: There are three situations in deen, and in the kindness of Rasulullah (sallallahu alaihi wa sallam) he has blessed us with direction for each situation. 

One is what is clear and generally Muslims know about it; there is no ambiguity in it. Like milk, water, fish, animals slaughtered following shar`ee procedures, are all halaal. 

The second is where the prohibition is clear, like wine, swine, zina and riba are haraam. In matters that are absolutely clear then we do not require any additional guidance. Every Muslim knows that Zuhr salaah has 4 rakaats and Fajr salaah has 2 rakaats. There are five salaahs in the day, and every Muslim knows it. If any person objects then we will not pay attention. We will consider him to be a deviant. 

The third situation is where there is some reason for ambiguity. If the reason for ambiguity is supported by the hadeeth, for example shrimps and prawns, for the evidence is not absolutely clear. There are reasons to believe that it is halaal and there is evidence to show that they are not halaal. So the directive we have received in the hadeeth is that we abstain.

And Allah Ta'ala (الله تعالى) knows best.


Answered by:

Mufti Ebrahim Salejee (Isipingo Beach)