Missing salaah due to shopping

Q: If a woman is out with her family to a hotel to eat and went to a mall to enjoy some time... So what must she  do if salah time is due? She prayed asr at home and went outand now it's maghrib time and she can't pray because there is no women's prayer room in the malls or hotels... So what must she do in this situation?

If she does jama' salah in her home, like praying 4 rakah of asr and then 3 rakah of maghrib in the same time because she won't get a place to pray maghrib, is this correct?

A: The most important pillar of deen after imaan is salaah. For a woman to forgo her salaah due to being busy shopping is not permissible and considered a major sin in Islam. Hence, this woman should ensure that she is back home and performs her salaah on its prescribed time. 

Joining two salaah and performing them both in one salaah time is not permissible. Thus, if any salaah was performed before its time, then it will have to be repeated in its prescribed time. If it was not repeated in its prescribed time, then it will have to be repeated later on as qadha.

And Allah Ta'ala (الله تعالى) knows best.


Answered by:

Mufti Zakaria Makada

Checked & Approved:

Mufti Ebrahim Salejee (Isipingo Beach)