Q: I have a strong desire to die. In this world I can't do anything, that's why I want to die.
Is it haraam to have this kind of desire?
A: The gift of life is among the greatest of favours of Allah Ta'ala upon man. Life is man's main capital through which he will be able to please Allah Ta'ala and earn his jannah.
After life ends, all opportunities of man doing good terminate. Hence, for one to desire to die and end life due to the worldly hardships and difficulties which one going through is indeed a very great act of ingratitude to Allah Ta'ala.
A believer should never lose hope in the mercy of Allah Ta'ala at any time in his life. Losing hope in the mercy of Allah Ta'ala is the way of the kuffaar.
One should remember that for every difficulty one experiences during his life, one will be greatly rewarded by Allah Ta'ala in the Hereafter on condition that one turns to Allah Ta'ala in obedience, remains pleased with His decree and exercises patience at all times.
And Allah Ta'ala (الله تعالى) knows best.
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