Performing salaah in a multi-faith prayer room

Q: Given the spread and propagation of Interfaith and the Abrahamic Religion, what is the shar'i ruling on performing Salaah in a multi-faith prayer room? 

Multi-faith prayer rooms are now found at airports, petrol stations, malls, offices etc. Some multi-faith prayer rooms have the symbols for each religion, at together, displayed on the wall or door.

A: A believer should refrain from performing Salaah in such an environment as it is possible that while performing Salaah, a non-Muslim could enter with his idols and begin worshipping them beside the one performing Salaah. 

Similarly, it is possible that there could be statues, pictures of animate objects, symbols of other religions (e.g. the cross, or the Hindu three with the tail at the bottom, etc.), or books of other religions found in the multi faith room. 

If these things are found in the multi faith room, then it will not be permissible for one to perform Salaah in such an environment. However, if a person performed his salaah in the multi faith room, his salaah will be valid and he will have to make taubah and repent for performing his salaah in such a place.

And Allah Ta'ala (الله تعالى) knows best.


Answered by:

Mufti Zakaria Makada

Checked & Approved:

Mufti Ebrahim Salejee (Isipingo Beach)