Published 1 month ago
Last updated 1 month ago
Q: My husband, my mother in law and myself live together. I don't have a full kitchen of my own but I have kitchenette upstairs with the basics - fridge, toaster, kettle and microwave.
In Ramadhan, my husband says we should all 3 have sehri downstairs because his mother shouldn't be eating alone. I responded saying that if he would like he can go downstairs for sehri but I will be having sehri upstairs as I don't see why I should have all meals together all the time.
Islamically am I entitled to have some meals separately. Please advise.
A: If it is difficult for you to have all your meals with them, then join them when it is easy for you.
And Allah Ta'ala (الله تعالى) knows best.
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