Husband is in love with someone else

Q: I have done love marriage but my husband is in love again with another beautiful girl. I can't bare it thats why we have a lot of fights. I can feel that the other girl is not faithful and good character though she claims that she prays five times a day, she smokes also but still my husband thinks she smokes in his love when she gets depressed. Please tell me a wazifa or dua that could help me prove her wrong by Allah's Grace. My husband loves me a lot but I don't know what has happened to him, he was not like this before. Now he even beats me and does not regret it. Rather he states that I deserve to be beaten. I know he loves me a lot but he has changed for sure. Please help me by giving such a dua or wazifa that my husband would start hating her and forget her forever. Please give a separate dua that the other girl should also have her own good life and may Allah give her patience and sabar. 


A: Refer to

Also recite the attached dua after Salaah daily.

And Allah Ta'ala (الله تعالى) knows best.


Answered by:

Mufti Zakaria Makada

Checked & Approved:

Mufti Ebrahim Salejee (Isipingo Beach)

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