Toilet Paper as an Alternative to Water

Q: Can tissue paper be used as an alternative of water for istinjaa? That is to clean the specific areas while using toilet. If yes, then is there any specific method to be followed, or just clean until we get natural satisfaction? Please confirm in all of the possible conditions:
a) If  clean water is available.
b) If there is doubt there the water available may not be clean.
c) If no water is available at the spot.

A: In cleaning stool, tissue paper will not be sufficient. One has to use water. If no water is available, then when you reach water clean yourself with water.

أقول والتحقيق أنه إن تجاوز عن موضعه بالقيام أكثر من الدرهم أو جف بحيث لا يزيله الحجر فلا بد من الماء إذا أراد إزالته  (رد المحتار 1/337)

Answered by:

Mufti Ebrahim Salejee (Isipingo Beach)
