Published 11 years ago
Last updated 5 years ago
Q: I had a question regarding tawbah. Can you give me a basic explanation on what are the requirements for one's tawbah to be accepted?
A: One who makes taubah sincerely, his taubah is definitely accepted. Taubah has three basic elements: (1) To discharge all past obligations, be it to Allah or to people. (2) To resolve never to commit those sins again. (3) To express remorse for the wrongs that have been committed.
And Allah Ta'ala (الله تعالى) knows best.
وقال البيضاوي سئل على رضي الله عنه عن التوبة فقال يجمعها ستة أشياء على الماضي من الذنوب الندم وللفرائض الاعادة ورد المظالم واستحلال الخصوم وان تعزم على ان لا تعود وان تزكى نفسك على طاعة اللّه كما رايتها فى المعصية (التفسير المظهري 9/ 345)
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