Published 11 years ago
Last updated 4 years ago
Q: My wife has 16 tola gold and one year has passed, so who will pay the zakaat? Should I pay on behalf of my wife or my wife has to pay because my wife has no money?
A: Zakaat is fardh upon her. However if you discharge the zakaat on her behalf with her consent, the zakaat will be discharged.
And Allah Ta'ala (الله تعالى) knows best.
وشرط افتراضها عقل وبلوغ وإسلام وحرية ... وسببه أي سبب افتراضها ملك نصاب حولى نسبة للحول لحولانه عليه (الدر المختار 2/ 258-259)
وليس لأحد الشريكين أن يودي زكاة مال الآخر إلا بإذنه (هداية 1/635)
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