Making istikhara to move to another country

Q: About 8 years ago I did istikhara to move to canada where my brother and sister lives, on the first night of istikhara I saw a dream that there's a wall and on top of the wall a cat is sitting with a small bird is in her mouth and I was standing underneath the wall trying to rescue the bird from the cat by hopping on my feet and trying to reach my hand to the cat but I couldn't and suddenly the dream ends and I woke up. This has been 8 years ago. Please Advise me on this, whether I should try to move to Canada if it's beneficial for me by doing the istikhara again, and what was the reality of that dream. Please Advise on this. JazakAllah.


A: Extend help to your family to the point you can manage.

And Allah Ta'ala (الله تعالى) knows best.


Answered by:

Mufti Ebrahim Salejee (Isipingo Beach)
