Published 11 years ago
Last updated 4 years ago
Q: I am working in a warehouse. There are two cats here. I took care of them when they were 2 days now they are at 6 months. They play with me and jump on me. I just wanted to know that I have only one uniform at the same time in that uniform can I offer prayer?
A: If the clothing is paak, you can perform Salaah in it.
And Allah Ta'ala (الله تعالى) knows best.
تطهير النجاسة واجب من بدن المصلي وثوبه والمكان الذي يصلي عليه لقوله تعالى { وثيابك فطهر } وقال عليه الصلاة والسلام حتيه ثم اقرصيه ثم اغسليه بالماء ولا يضرك أثره وإذا وجب التطهير بما ذكرنا في الثوب وجب في البدن والمكان (هداية 1/71)
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