
Q: I had a dream that I was pregnant and me and my husband were very happy. The weird part was that I had my period so we were just shocked to know that I had my period and I was pregnant. So anyways, I was praying and I couldn't pray properly or stand straight. Like whenever I would pray, I would feel someone inside making me more weak. And I kept getting the feeling that there is a jinn or shaitan inside me so then I told my husband and we went somewhere and found out that there is something inside me and that baby that is inside me is actually a jinn so then my husband said that we'll have to get an abortion. Right after that I woke up. It was around 4:30am, almost fajr time.


A: Do not pay attention to this dream.

And Allah Ta'ala (الله تعالى) knows best.


Answered by:

Mufti Zakaria Makada
